Mathematical Structures for Computer Science

This new edition made the textbook the first discrete mathematics textbook to be revised in order to meet the proposed new ACM/IEEE standards of the course.

Author: Judith L. Gersting

Publisher: W. H. Freeman

ISBN: 1429215100

Category: Mathematics

Page: 784

View: 784

Judith Gersting's Mathematical Structures for Computer Science has long been acclaimed for its clear presentation of essential concepts and its exceptional range of applications relevant to computer science majors. Now with this new edition, it is the first discrete mathematics textbook revised to meet the proposed new ACM/IEEE standards for the course.

Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science

Author: Bernard Kolman

Publisher: Prentice Hall

ISBN: UCSC:32106007549386

Category: Mathematics

Page: 464

View: 351

Mathematical Structures for Computer Science

This Sixth Edition of "Mathematical Structures for Computer Science" covers all the topics in the CC2001 suggested curriculum for a one-semester intensive discrete structures course, and virtually everything suggested for a two-semester ...

Author: Judith L. Gersting


ISBN: 0716713055

Category: Computer science

Page: 452

View: 651

Computing Curricula 2001 (CC2001), a joint undertaking of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers/Computer Society (IEEE/CS) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), identifies the essential material for an undergraduate degree in computer science. This Sixth Edition of "Mathematical Structures for Computer Science" covers all the topics in the CC2001 suggested curriculum for a one-semester intensive discrete structures course, and virtually everything suggested for a two-semester version of a discrete structures course. Gersting's text binds together what otherwise appears to be a collection of disjointed topics by emphasizing the following themes: - Importance of logical thinking- Power of mathematical notation- Usefulness of abstractions

Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science

Author: Ronald E. Prather


ISBN: STANFORD:36105031698918

Category: Algebra, Abstract

Page: 549

View: 867

Mathematical Structures for Computer Graphics

The book is also useful for those readers who wish to understand algorithms for producing their own interesting computer images.

Author: Steven J. Janke

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

ISBN: 9781118712191

Category: Computers

Page: 408

View: 575

A comprehensive exploration of the mathematics behind the modeling and rendering of computer graphics scenes Mathematical Structures for Computer Graphics presents an accessible and intuitive approach to the mathematical ideas and techniques necessary for two- and three-dimensional computer graphics. Focusing on the significant mathematical results, the book establishes key algorithms used to build complex graphics scenes. Written for readers with various levels of mathematical background, the book develops a solid foundation for graphics techniques and fills in relevant graphics details often overlooked in the literature. Rather than use a rigid theorem/proof approach, the book provides a flexible discussion that moves from vector geometry through transformations, curve modeling, visibility, and lighting models. Mathematical Structures for Computer Graphics also includes: Numerous examples of two- and three-dimensional techniques along with numerical calculations Plenty of mathematical and programming exercises in each chapter, which are designed particularly for graphics tasks Additional details at the end of each chapter covering historical notes, further calculations, and connected concepts for readers who wish to delve deeper Unique coverage of topics such as calculations with homogeneous coordinates, computational geometry for polygons, use of barycentric coordinates, various descriptions for curves, and L-system techniques for recursive images Mathematical Structures for Computer Graphics is an excellent textbook for undergraduate courses in computer science, mathematics, and engineering, as well as an ideal reference for practicing engineers, researchers, and professionals in computer graphics fields. The book is also useful for those readers who wish to understand algorithms for producing their own interesting computer images.

Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science

Author: Jean-Paul Tremblay


ISBN: 0071003223

Category: Electronic data processing

Page: 606

View: 710

Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science

Author: Bernard Kolman


ISBN: 0132160110

Category: Computer science

Page: 154

View: 452

Mathematical Structures for Computer Science

Author: Gersting


ISBN: 1428834028

Category: Education

Page: 119

View: 736

Solutions Manual for Mathematical Structures for Computer Science

Author: Judith L. Gersting


ISBN: 0716715031

Category: Mathematics

Page: 104

View: 508

Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Scientists and Engineers

'Discrete Mathematical Structures' provides an introductory mathematical foundation for further advanced study in data structures, algorithms, compilers and theory of computation.

Author: M. K. Das

Publisher: Alpha Science International Limited

ISBN: 1842652982

Category: Mathematics

Page: 538

View: 795

'Discrete Mathematical Structures' provides an introductory mathematical foundation for further advanced study in data structures, algorithms, compilers and theory of computation.

Mathematical Structures in Computer Science

Author: M Barr


ISBN: OCLC:278054253

Category: Computer science


View: 801

The Lambek Festschrift  Mathematical Structures in Computer Science

Author: Joachim Lambek


ISBN: OCLC:247466680


Page: 215

View: 637

Discrete mathematical structures in computer science

Author: Margarita Carmen S. Paterno


ISBN: 9715472087


Page: 202

View: 703

Solutions Manual for Mathematical Structures for Computer Science  Second Edition

Author: Judith L. Gersting


ISBN: 0716718030

Category: Computer science

Page: 200

View: 332

Discrete Mathematical Structures

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

Author: Bernard Kolman

Publisher: Pearson Higher Ed

ISBN: 9780321998163

Category: Mathematics

Page: 552

View: 856

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Discrete Mathematical Structures, Sixth Edition, offers a clear and concise presentation of the fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics. Ideal for a one-semester introductory course, this text contains more genuine computer science applications than any other text in the field. This book is written at an appropriate level for a wide variety of majors and non-majors, and assumes a college algebra course as a prerequisite.

Mathematics of Discrete Structures for Computer Science

Profound knowledge and skills in discrete mathematics are mandatory for a well educated computer scientist. ... textbooks on discrete mathematics follow the descriptive approach meaning that the properties of mathematical structures are ...

Author: Gordon J. Pace

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

ISBN: 9783642298400

Category: Computers

Page: 296

View: 654

Mathematics plays a key role in computer science, some researchers would consider computers as nothing but the physical embodiment of mathematical systems. And whether you are designing a digital circuit, a computer program or a new programming language, you need mathematics to be able to reason about the design -- its correctness, robustness and dependability. This book covers the foundational mathematics necessary for courses in computer science. The common approach to presenting mathematical concepts and operators is to define them in terms of properties they satisfy, and then based on these definitions develop ways of computing the result of applying the operators and prove them correct. This book is mainly written for computer science students, so here the author takes a different approach: he starts by defining ways of calculating the results of applying the operators and then proves that they satisfy various properties. After justifying his underlying approach the author offers detailed chapters covering propositional logic, predicate calculus, sets, relations, discrete structures, structured types, numbers, and reasoning about programs. The book contains chapter and section summaries, detailed proofs and many end-of-section exercises -- key to the learning process. The book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, and although the treatment focuses on areas with frequent applications in computer science, the book is also suitable for students of mathematics and engineering.

Elements of discrete mathematical structures in computer science



ISBN: 995860325X


Page: 156

View: 271

Handbook of Logic in Computer Science  Volume 1  Background  Mathematical Structures

This Handbook is a combination of authoritative exposition, comprehensive survey, and fundamental research exploring the underlying unifying themes in the various areas.

Author: S. Abramsky

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA

ISBN: OSU:32435028840254

Category: Mathematics

Page: 840

View: 865

This Handbook is a combination of authoritative exposition, comprehensive survey, and fundamental research exploring the underlying unifying themes in the various areas. The intended audience is graduate students and researchers in the areas of computing and logic, as well as other people interested in the subject. We assume as background some mathematical sophistication. Much of the material will also be of interest to logicians and mathematicians.

Studyguide for Mathematical Structures for Computer Science by Gersting  Judith L   ISBN 9781429215107

Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanies: 9781429215107.

Author: Cram101 Textbook Reviews

Publisher: Cram101

ISBN: 1497001714


Page: 88

View: 382

Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Includes all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides gives all of the outlines, highlights, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanies: 9781429215107. This item is printed on demand.

Discrete Mathematical Structures

Combining a careful selection of topics with coverage of theirgenuineapplications in computer science, this book, more than any other in this field, is clearly and concisely written, presenting the basic ideas of discrete mathematical ...

Author: Bernard Kolman

Publisher: Prentice Hall

ISBN: UCSD:31822033543091

Category: Computers

Page: 503

View: 460

Combining a careful selection of topics with coverage of theirgenuineapplications in computer science, this book, more than any other in this field, is clearly and concisely written, presenting the basic ideas of discrete mathematical structures in a manner that is understandable.Limiting its scope and depth of topics to those that readers can actually utilize, this book covers first the fundamentals, then follows with logic, counting, relations and digraphs, functions, order relations and structures, trees, graph theory, semigroups and groups, languages and finite-state machines, and groups and coding.With its comprehensive appendices and index, this book can be an excellent reference work for mathematicians and those in the field of computer science.